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首页 不锈钢 304不锈钢 佛山供应304不锈钢冷轧板尺寸1000*2000 1220*2440厚度齐 ...





佛山供应304不锈钢冷轧板尺寸1000*2000 1220*2440厚度齐全

FsWq78 2023-5-15 17:30:56
The term "stainless steel" not only refers to a kind of stainless steel, but also to more than 100 kinds of industrial stainless steel, each type of the stainless steel developed has good performance in its specific application field. The key to success is first to understand the purpose, and then to determine the right steel type. There are usually only six kinds of steel related to the application field of architectural construction. They all contain 17 to 22% chromium, and the better steel species also contains nickel. The addition of molybdenum can further improve the atmospheric corrosion resistance, especially the corrosion resistance of the chloride-containing atmosphere.
raw material
Stainless steel metal is nickel, iron ore, chromium, silicon, molybdenum and other raw materials fused together. Stainless steel metals contain a variety of basic chemical elements that, when fused together, form a powerful alloy.
Different proportions of stainless steel elements —— iron, nickel, chromium, molybdenum and carbon (and other) —— determine the type of stainless steel. The ratio of iron to other materials can affect the strength of the protective oxide layer, the resistance of the metal to specific corrosion materials, and some other mechanical properties (hardness, melting point, shear modulus, etc.).
这些不同比例的不锈钢成分产生不同类型的不锈钢合金。每个独特的组合称为不锈钢的等级”——例如 304 级不锈钢、316 级不锈钢或 420 级不锈钢。
These different proportions of stainless steel components produce different types of stainless steel alloys. Each unique combination is called a "grade" of stainless steel —— such as 304 stainless steel, 316 stainless steel or 420 stainless steel.



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