
佛山彩钢板 pcm彩涂板批发 为什么阳光房屋顶可以用彩钢板?

200人阅读 2023-5-22 10:31


Why can the sun room roof use color steel plate?

因为阳光房屋顶用的彩钢板是以彩色涂层钢板为面材, 自熄型聚苯乙烯、聚氨脂、 玻璃棉、 岩棉为芯材,用热固化胶在连续成型机内加热加压复合而成的超轻建筑板材。具有自重轻(为混凝土屋面重量的1/201/30),保温隔热(其导热系数值为0.034W/mk),施工速度快(无湿作业,不做二次装修,施工周期可缩短40%以上),色泽鲜艳(无需表面装饰,彩色镀锌钢板防腐层保持期在15-30)的特点,是一种集承重、保温、防水、装修于一体的新型围护结构材料。

Because the color steel plate used on the top of the sun house is an ultra-light building plate made with color coated steel plate as the surface material, self-extinguishing polystyrene, polyurethane, glass wool and rock wool as the core material, and made by heating and pressing composite in the continuous forming machine. With light weight (1 / 20~1 / 30 of concrete roof weight), thermal insulation (the thermal conduction value is 0.034W / mk), fast construction speed (no wet operation, do not do secondary decoration, construction period can shorten more than 40%), bright color (without surface decoration, color galvanized steel anti-corrosion layer retention period in 15-30 years), is a collection of bearing, heat preservation, waterproof, decorate in one of the new envelope structure materials.

彩钢板经国家防火建筑彩钢顶阳光房材料质量监督检测中心测试,阳光板的冲击强度是玻璃的80倍,实心板是玻璃的200倍,可以防止在运输,安装,使用过程中破碎另外阳光板的最突出特点,不会象常用玻璃发生断裂,避免对人造成伤害,对安全有极大保障。质轻PC阳光板质量轻,是相同玻璃的1/12-1/15,安全不破碎,易于搬运,安装阳光房订做,可降低建筑物的自重,简化结构设计,节约安装费用。 PC阳光板的柔性和可塑性使之成为安装拱顶和其他曲面的理想材料。因此,弯曲的半径可能达到板材厚度的175倍,(弯曲半径>175厚度)产品广泛适用阳光房

Color steel plate by the national fire prevention building color steel roof material quality supervision and testing center test, the impact of sunlight plate strength is 80 times of glass, solid plate is 200 times of glass, can prevent in transportation, installation, broken in the process of the most prominent characteristics, not like commonly used glass fracture, avoid harm to people, have great guarantee for safety. Light PC sunshine board quality light, is the same glass 1 / 12-1 / 15, safe not broken, easy to carry, installation sun room order, can reduce the weight of the building, simplify the structural design, save installation costs. The flexibility and plasticity of the PC sun panels make them ideal for installing vaults and other curved surfaces. Therefore, the radius of bending may reach 175 times the thickness of the plate, (bending radius> 175 thickness) products are widely used for the sun room roof.





原作者: 佛山万庆物资