
乐从钢板涂层钢板家电彩涂板高光白彩涂板环保材料彩色薄铁板 ...

98人阅读 2023-11-6 11:15

涂层钢板具有轻质、美观和良好的防腐蚀性能,又可直接加工,它给建筑业、造船业、车辆制造业、家具行业、电气行业 等提供了一种新型原材料,起到了以钢代木、高效施工、节约能源、防止污染等良好效果。使用镀锌钢板为基板的彩色涂 层钢板,除有锌保护外,锌层上的有机涂层起了覆盖隔离作用,可防止钢板生锈,使用寿命比镀锌钢板更长,据介绍涂层钢板的使用寿命比镀锌钢板长50%。 但是,在不同的地区和不同的使用部位,采用相同镀锌量、同种涂料、相同涂层厚度的彩色涂层板,其使用寿命会有很大的不同。例如,在工业区或沿海地区,由于受到空气中二氧化硫气体或盐分的作用,腐蚀速度加快,使用寿命受到影响。在雨季,涂层长期受雨水浸湿、或者在日夜温差太大易结露的部位,都会较快地受到腐蚀,使用寿命均会降低。 用彩色涂层钢板制造的建筑物或厂房,经常受到雨水冲洗时使用寿命较长,否则,由于受二氧化硫气体、盐和灰尘的作用而影响使用。因此,在设计时,若屋顶的倾斜度越大,则越不容易积聚灰尘等污物,使用寿命越长;对于那些不受雨水经 常冲洗的区域或部位,应定期用水冲洗 。

Coated steel plate has light, beautiful and good corrosion prevention properties, and can be processed directly again. It provides a new raw material for construction industry, shipbuilding industry, vehicle manufacturing industry, furniture industry, electrical industry, and plays a good effect of substituting steel for wood, efficient construction, energy saving, pollution prevention and so on. The use of galvanized steel plate as the substrate color coated steel plate, in addition to zinc protection, the organic coating on the zinc layer plays a cover isolation effect, can prevent steel plate rust, the service life is longer than galvanized steel plate, according to the introduction of the service life of coated steel plate is 50% longer than that of galvanized steel plate. However, in different areas and different parts, the use of the same galvanized amount, the same coating, the same coating thickness of the color coating plate, its service life will be very different. For example, in industrial or coastal areas, the corrosion rate is affected by the action of sulfur dioxide gas or salt in the air. In the rainy season, the coating is wet by rain for a long time, or when the temperature difference between day and night is too large and easy to condense, it will be corroded quickly, and the service life will be reduced. Buildings or factories made with color-coated steel plates often have a long service life when washed by rainwater, otherwise, they will be affected by the action of sulfur dioxide gas, salt and dust. Therefore, in the design, if the tilt of the roof, the more it is less likely to accumulate dust and other dirt, the longer the service life; for those areas or parts not often washed by rain, should be regularly washed with water.


Home appliances are entering the "color era". With the improvement of people's living standard, the home appliance products that are closely related to life information also begin to pursue fashionable appearance, on the development course of our country home appliance industry, the usual tone of big home appliance is divided into "black electricity" and "white electricity" two big series.





原作者: 佛山万庆物资